Why choose a Montessori school?

You are a parent and you are wondering about the choice of school for your child? Nothing could be more legitimate! Here are a few things to think about to find out if a Montessori school meets your expectations and needs. 

In a Montessori class, everything is done to develop the skills that allow the full development of the child.  

Children become autonomous and self-disciplined 

The children benefit from 3 main freedoms: 

  • freedom of choice of activities, 

  • freedom of movement  

  • freedom of time. 

These 3 freedoms lead children to make active choices and acts of will. Because they do activities that they enjoy and that meet their needs, children are naturally more disciplined. But freedom does not mean a total absence of control and limits! Children are encouraged daily to respect the rules of community life - respect for the work of others and their concentration, respect for all people (children and adults) in the classroom and respect for materials. This is how self-discipline is established in the classroom. 

The children evolve in an atmosphere of mutual help and empathy

Every day, the children have small "grace and courtesy" sessions, where they learn the codes of social life and collaboration. Through small role plays, the children learn, for example, how to speak softly in the classroom, how to ask for help or how to resolve a conflict. In a positive way, by showing only the desired behaviour, children are taught respect, mutual help and empathy. In addition, as each child chooses the activity that corresponds to his or her needs and level, any notion of comparison or competition is excluded from the classroom. 

Children develop their ability to concentrate

Because concentration is the pillar of all learning, every effort is made to stimulate and protect a child's concentration at work. Each pupil is encouraged to complete his or her activity, regardless of the time required. This is why the daily 2.5 hours of uninterrupted work is so valuable! This gives everyone time to complete their work.  Each activity has been designed to mobilise the child's full attention in order to help him or her gradually acquire a longer and longer capacity for concentration. Children become capable of doing increasingly complex tasks that require a high level of concentration (adding large numbers, multiplication, division, etc.).

Children learn to have self-confidence 

In Montessori schools, children are not taught to do things for themselves, but to do them on their own. Each child is led to carry out activities whose degree of difficulty corresponds to his/her abilities. Thanks to a gentle progression, the child learns to carry out increasingly complex activities independently, which contributes to his or her pride and the building of real self-esteem. In addition, the child is respected as a whole person and has the support of the educator to express his or her thoughts and desires. This supportive environment allows the child to develop self-confidence in his or her own abilities and in relationships with others. 

Children can fully develop their creativity

Creativity is not only artistic. It is a quality that shows true intellectual freedom, which allows people to see reality from different angles. In Montessori schools, children are encouraged to use their "mental flexibility" to solve everyday problems by themselves, whether in practical life, mathematics or science. Emphasis is also placed on artistic expression, through the discovery of different currents and artists in painting, music, sculpture...

Children learn to live in society

School is an essential place for children to socialise. Children in Montessori classes benefit from the mixed age group, which greatly enriches their social experience - the younger children imitating the older ones, the older ones helping the younger ones. The interactions between the children provide an opportunity to learn social rules, patience, self-control, politeness and respect. The meal is also a great moment to learn to share, discuss and listen to others in a friendly atmosphere. 

If these values speak to you, then Montessori is certainly for your children! 


10 activities to encourage your child’s independence


The 5 main areas in a Montessori classroom