Our Values

One way to measure the appropriateness of an educational model is the level of happiness of a child.

Maria Montessori

At Montessori Happy Kids, we believe that every child is born with immense potential that is waiting to be revealed.

We know that the environment in which children grow up plays a fundamental role in the development of their intellectual and social abilities.

This is why we are committed to providing our students with a rich, nurturing and stimulating environment to help them structure their intelligence, but also with a caring and motivating ambiance to help them build and develop as human beings.

Curiosity and the desire to learn

All the neuroscience studies now show that curiosity and the desire to learn are the motors of all learning and progress. At Montessori Happy Kids, we encourage children to explore, to choose by themselves the activities that interest them in order to learn more each day with pleasure and motivation.


Self-confidence cannot be decreed: it is acquired through positive experiences that reinforce the esteem we have in our intellectual, physical and emotional capacities.

At Montessori Happy Kids, the right to make mistakes is a golden rule because that is how we learn! Each child is supported and valued in his efforts and achievements.

Kindness is a cardinal value to allow each child to give the best of himself.

Cooperation and altruism

Every child is naturally good, generous and altruistic.

At Montessori Happy Kids, everything is designed to encourage positive encounters, mutual aid, trust, understanding and empathy on a daily basis so that children connect, collaborate, exchange, laugh and share.


Creativity is not just an artistic skill. Creativity teaches children to see things from different perspectives and thus promotes openness to others and to their environment.

That is why at Montessori Happy Kids, we encourage our students to be creative every day by giving them the freedom to think, to dialogue, to imagine, to design and to realise projects that are important to them.

Contact with nature

At Montessori Happy Kids, we want to (re)-connect children with the nature to which they belong and without which our survival would be impossible. This is why our students participate in the shared vegetable garden in the neighborhood, take care of the plants in the classroom, enjoy a weekly outing in nature to admire the beauty of the fauna and flora, observe the rhythm of the seasons, and learn to take care of our planet.

« The joy of learning is as essential to intelligence as breathing is to a runner »

Maria Montessori