Our Pedagogical Project

At Montessori Happy Kids, we attach great importance to the transmission of basic knowledge, which is the foundation of our students' schooling.

Thus, every day, the children learn and practice :

  • reading and writing,

  • mathematics (decimal system, numbering from 1 to 1000, introduction of the 4 operations, fractions, abstraction)

  • science (discovery of life and natural phenomena, development of the scientific mind)

  • geography (discovery of continents and countries)

  • the arts (music, visual arts, discovery of great artists and artistic movements, etc.)

  • control of the body and movement (sports and nutrition education)

Our school also follows the objectives of the Plan d'Etude Romand (PER).

The Happy Kids Montessori School offers each student a framework conducive to the acquisition of skills that will enable him/her to succeed at school, but also to blossom and integrate socially. 

In co-education with the family, the entire educational community of the school has the mission of helping each child to build and grow as a unique individual.

We focus in particular on

  • Development of Collaboration and Communication skills, which are more social in nature, 

  • Development of Learning Strategies, Creative Thinking and Reflective Thinking, which are more individual and personal in nature.

  • Children between the ages of 3 and 6 are going through the same developmental plane and sensitive periods, which draw them into the areas of language, order, refinement of sensory perception, coordinated movement and social behaviour.

    By having children of different ages living together in the same environment, peer learning, collaboration, altruism, self-confidence and trust in others can be developed. The younger children learn by observing the older ones and the older ones are valued in their role as models. This cohabitation is a great source of wealth.

  • At Montessori Happy Kids, the environment plays an important role. The materials have been designed to allow the child to develop his intelligence by mobilising the senses.

    Our educators are experts in Montessori materials. They are also concerned with making the school a pleasant, stimulating and warm place where each child is happy to evolve throughout the day.

  • In the Montessori pedagogy, there is a close link between freedom and discipline. It is through the freedoms granted to him that the child builds a true self-discipline, which pushes him to act appropriately, with respect for himself and others.

    At Montessori Happy Kids, children are free :

    • to move around the classroom,

    • to choose the activity of their choice

    • to spend as much time as they want on each activity they choose

    • to express their thoughts and emotions

    This great freedom is framed by the need to respect

    • the work and concentration of other children,

    • all people in the school (students and adults)

    • the material.

  • The educators at Montessori Happy Kids are all highly professional educators with AMI (Association Montessori International) diplomas.

    They are guides for the children, assisting them in their development, and take on this role with the greatest humility, respect and love.

    They deeply respect each child and his or her own personality.

    They are there to help each child gain autonomy and self-confidence by offering presentations adapted to his or her needs and rich and stimulating experiences.

« Movement is the essential factor in the construction of intelligence, which feeds on and lives off knowledge taken from the external environment. »

— Maria Montessori

Discover the Montessori pedagogy in video


Registration for the 2024 school year is open!

Please contact us for more information.